Saturday, March 11, 2006

Alright so here is what's up

Yesterday my German class ended. It was alot of fun and I'm glad I took it. Now I just have to practice using what I've learned! It's challenging. So now that I have no class I'm staying with a friend of Vitus and Gail's for a week. It's a husband and a wife and four boys. A definite change of pace. They are very cool people and last night we went to see Walk the Line. What a good movie. So I'm not sure what we'll be doing this week but I'm looking forward to it. Then after being here for a week I'll go back to the Barmettler's for a day or two then Vitus is sending me up to his cousin's house in the mountains. That will be for a week as well. And yeah, after that there is just one week left of my trip. Not bad, not bad at all. Oh and I'm 18 now, so that's pretty sweet.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Castle Kyburg

This is where Vitus and I went on Sunday. It had been snowing the night before, snowing ALOT, so everything had a nice fresh layer of snow over it and the sun finally came out making it a great day for pictures. There was a castle in this small, awesome looking village and Vitus and I spent a good while there walking around and seeing the sights. All the pictures are from just outside the village and inside the castle. The picture of the poorly lit room with the Jesus on the cross and the knife hanging on the wall (and depending on the brightness of your computer you might be able to see the weird wheel thing on top of a pole) was the the old torture chamber. That was sweet. I suggest if any of you come to Switzerland, go to this castle. Because there's alot of stuff I didn't take pictures of.

K, so this is post number two of the day. I think I'll make a third where there is something actually useful to read. These first two posts were mainly for pictures.


Well on Tuesday we finally got some sun so I went to Zurich and took some pictures. Hopefully this will give you a good feel of what it's like. And tommorow is my last day of class! Dadgum!

Another post is coming today. Maybe two more!

Friday, March 03, 2006

This and That

Hey folks, before I get into the random pictures I would like to say this. A new girl started coming to the German class this week and take a wild guess where she's from. Grand Marais! Isn't that incredible? Now with that out of the way, I shall proceed.

Obviously, the first picture is of clothespins. It's ideal for using as a picture for MSN Instant Messenger. The next one is me holding an orb of magical power I found it under my pillow last night. Then there's a picture of me hanging out with my shirts on a hanger. I posted the picture of the bloody toilet paper for two reasons. The first reason is to remind kids not to play with knives. The second is that I noticed one of the blood splotches resembles the shape of a heart. And I thought that was cool because I'm reading a book that is talking alot about the blood of Jesus and the importance of it. It's a good reminder that Jesus spilt his blood for us out of love. The last three pictures are of pen and paper. Now to clarify, in no way did I have a boring week and spend my time taking random pictures. These were taken over a good period of time and I wanted to share them, I'm not sure why.

So yeah, I have one week left of German classes. I must say it's been alot of fun. The people are great and the language is very interesting. It gets me up every morning and makes me use my brain (something that is very useful I find). And after that week is over that leaves merely three weeks left of my trip. Crazy. I plan on going to a couple more cool places with Vitus and going around on my own too just to explore. One of these days I'll bike up to that little village that was founded in the 1200's and get some sweet pictures. Pictures I will share with you all, whoever you all may be.