Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dr. Pepper

I went to Quiznos today. Got some food to bring back to the apartment. When I got back it was such a beautiful day that I figured I'd eat out on the balcony. Pretty good idea, right? Wrong. I set my Dr. Pepper on the railing to sit down (I took a couple sips on the way back and was REALLY looking forward to drinking the rest of it) but when I sat I bumped the railing with my feet and the Dr. Pepper fell to the ground splattering everywhere. *sigh* I didn't know what to do with myself. It hit me a lot harder than you'd think. I sat there for a good minute just staring at the ground imagining a perfect world where that Dr. Pepper was still in my hand and I was enjoying every sip of it. I couldn't bare being outside anymore. So I sulked inside and stole some of my roommates milk.

...I'm still kinda sad.

1 comment:

Angela said...

bummer... that stinks.