Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I saw a Gatorade commercial recently that very much disturbed me, and before I tell you what it was I would like to begin with saying this:

When you think of people drinking Gatorade what sports do you think of? Think back on every Gatorade commercial you have ever seen. What do they show? I'll tell you. They show hockey players, volleyball players, runners, tennis players, soccer players, FOOTBALL PLAYERS, BASEBALL PLAYERS!!! Ever seen any golfers in a gatorade commercial? NO! Never! But then a couple nights ago I see this commercial:

Not only is it a commercial with a golfer in it, IT'S A COMMERCIAL SHOWING THAT TIGER WOODS HAS HIS OWN GATORADE NOW! What?! WHAT?! I...I don't even know what to say. And here's what's funny. They knew it'd be too boring to show Tiger just playing golf and drinking Gatorade so what did they do? They put him on the MOON! HA!

1 comment:

bethany said...

I miss t.v. Can you write more blogs about stupid commercials? I miss them.